San Benedetto Collections es una empresa que nació de la admiración por la vida y la lucha constante contra el mal de San Benito, el santo abad y patrono de Europa. Su creador, Luis Gonzalez Rodriguez, y su esposa Mónica, emigraron a los Estados Unidos en 1997 en busca del sueño americano y enfrentaron muchas adversidades en su camino. Inspirados por la devoción a San Benito, decidieron compartir su fe a través de una selección de artículos religiosos auténticos y de alta calidad.
San Benedetto Collections ofrece una amplia variedad de productos religiosos con la advocación de San Benito, incluyendo medallas, crucifijos, rosarios, pulseras, cadenas, dijes, anillos, y más. Todos los productos son de origen italiano.
La empresa tiene un sitio web,, y está presente en todas las redes sociales, lo que facilita el acceso a los productos para aquellos que deseen comprarlos. San Benedetto Collections se enorgullece de ofrecer productos de alta calidad que ayudan a las personas a mantener su fe y devoción a San Benito. ¡Gracias por visitar nuestro sitio web y esperamos que disfrutes de nuestros productos!"
Today, we are honored to highlight the collaboration between San Benedetto Collections and the esteemed Italian company LAL srl, renowned for its tradition and excellence in crafting religious articles.
LAL History: LAL was established in 1965 by the Moroni brothers, Mario and Luciano, in Loreto, Italy. From the beginning, the Moroni family has upheld a strong tradition in the production of religious articles, recognized for their quality and craftsmanship.
LAL Products: LAL products are the culmination of generations of craftsmanship and dedication. Each piece is created with utmost care and attention to detail, ensuring that every religious article is unique and special.
Collaboration with San Benedetto Collections: San Benedetto Collections takes pride in offering LAL products in the United States and Latin America. This partnership allows us to provide our customers with access to a brand of great renown and tradition.
Shared Commitment: At San Benedetto Collections, we feel part of the Moroni family and all those who collaborate at LAL. We share a commitment to faith and devotion, and it is our pleasure to be a bridge between Italian artisans and our customers in the Americas.
We thank the Moroni family and LAL for their trust and collaboration. We look forward to continuing this fruitful relationship and bringing our customers the best in religious articles.